3 min
If you’re running a paid search campaign to drive traffic to your website, then you have likely questioned your investment into brand terms. As experts in the digital marketing space, we are frequently asked why we focus on brand terms that already rank highly in organic listings.
Here are our top 5 reasons why you should bid on brand terms for paid search:
- Capture Leads Near The Point Of Conversion. When a searcher uses a brand term, they are already familiar with your company. Whether they are return customers, referred from friends, or researchers, these high-intent leads are deep into their purchase process and are ready to convert. Bidding on brand terms is the only way to have your listing appear first in the results, streamlining the conversion process.
- Protect Yourself From The Competition. Creating and solidifying your brand takes time. Unfortunately, when it comes to paid search, a competitor can benefit from your credibility and steal your traffic in no time at all. If someone does a search for your brand, your organic listing could bring all of the traffic to your site; however, if your competitors are savvy, their ads for your brand name will overshadow your organic listing. Because of this, even brand searches with high intentions could still be diverted directly to your competitors, losing you the opportunity for leads.
- Capitalize On Inexpensive Brand Terms. We are always on the hunt for ways to bring down our CPCs on terms that actually have search volume. Thankfully, favorable CPCs go hand-in-hand with brand terms. One of the factors that determine the cost of a keyword is the ad quality score. The quality score for your brand name is likely 10/10, or very close to it. There is also little competition in your brand space – because of this, you can expect low CPCs and strong CTR.
- Maintain Total Control Of Your Messaging. While organic listings are free advertising, you have little control over the position and landing page triggered for each query. With paid search ads focused on brand keywords, you can choose your message, include enticing specials, and increase your real estate by adding sitelink extensions.
- Increase Your Real Estate On The Search Engine Results Page. Bidding on brand terms allows your company to be seen twice on the SERP – once in your paid listing, and once in your organic listing. That’s twice the opportunity for traffic to your site, giving you more opportunities to lock in leads. Furthermore, by appearing in both the organic and paid results, you are proving to be a dominant player in your space.
While bidding on brand terms may seem redundant, the benefits are undeniable.
Of course, every PPC account is unique and deserves individually tailored plans to determine what works best for your company. If you have any questions, please reach out to our team of digital marketing experts for a consultation on how we can increase your website traffic!