Case Study
5.11 Tactical joined forces with Wpromote to test paid social influence on in-store traffic by developing event response campaigns that targeted new audiences and retargeted past purchasers. This led to a successful outcome of online-to-offline conversions.
Their Story
5.11 Tactical started with a pair of pants and grew to become a reliable brand that offered gear that inspired readiness with premium clothing for an active community including (and surely not limited to) first responders, public safety professionals, and the FBI training academy.
5.11’s growing paid social presented a new opportunity: could they use social to drive followers to newly opened stores? 5.11 opened over 40 brick-and-mortar stores within a two-year period, and the brand wanted to integrate their current strategy with efforts to drive in-store traffic.
The Solution
Black Friday and Cyber Monday provided the perfect opportunity to test paid social’s influence on in-store traffic. Wpromote and 5.11 Tactical set out to test three different ad objectives within Facebook and Instagram to determine which would be more likely to drive in-store revenue during this period:
Each objective had its own benefits, from map cards to cost efficiency to engagement. Targeting included audiences of new users similar to 5.11 purchasers (lookalikes) and retargeting past purchasers to come back in store.
Efforts began with allocating more budget to reach campaigns, which saw the most success by volume. They gained the most reach and the most total revenue attributed. However, as the campaigns picked up traction, the data told another story: event response campaigns were more efficient, generating more revenue per user reached and a lower in-store cost-per-purchase.
Channels + Services
What Comes With Fortitude
By shifting their thinking towards allocating budget accordingly for each objective in all future sale campaigns, 5.11 Tactical was able to enjoy significant online-to-offline conversion success.