Case Study
By boosting brand engagement metrics through Wpromote’s proposed “SHEEX® Sleep Challenge”, SHEEX positioned itself to attract new investors and achieved important brand benchmarks.
Their Story
It all started when Michelle Brooke-Marciniak and Susan Walvius coincidentally wore their favorite performance fabric athletic gear to coach in on the same day. One says to the other, “I would love to have bedsheets made out of this stuff.” In comes SHEEX, the ridiculously soft and incredibly breathable performance sheets of your dreams.
The Challenge
In creating the world’s first-ever performance sheets, SHEEX knew they had a revolutionary product to engage consumers of all backgrounds far and wide. But in the competitive and deeply challenging digital marketplace, the company was seeking the killer idea that would propel their social media, boost the brand, and win new customers to enjoy the softest sheets ever.
The Solution
From the start, Wpromote was tasked with a number of goals:
To get SHEEX in front of audiences that would love them, Wpromote built a fun and exciting contest to engage target audiences and earn social capital.
The “SHEEX Sleep Challenge,” which took place in March, leveraged the hype around college basketball to challenge entrants to complete small tasks to get a better night’s sleep. During the contest, entrants were encouraged to submit multiple times and read blogs on the SHEEX site. Additional prizes were offered to those entrants who created content (UGC) such as photos and videos and tagged SHEEX on social media.
The campaign resulted in a massive outpouring of user content and consumer goodwill. Participants more than rose to the challenge, collectively walking over a million steps and gaining back 76,000 hours of sleep respectively during the daily challenges featured in the contest. Visitors were spending more time on the site than ever, and Instagram engagement soared with tens of thousands of accounts actively engaged.
Channels + Services
SHEEX Shoots & They Score!
SHEEX and Wpromote together broke new ground for the brand, exceeding SHEEX’s campaign goals and generating consumer momentum for months to come.