TEMPTU, a Hollywood-beloved designer of film-quality temporary tattoos, revolutionized the makeup industry by producing the first easy and simple home airbrush makeup system. To bring their innovation to makeup lovers everywhere, TEMPTU partnered with Wpromote for an overhaul of their digital strategy that would focus on influencers and user-generated content. Watch our video to discover how TEMPTU and Wpromote created double-digit organic KPI growth by modernizing and mobile-optimizing TEMPTU’s website experience.
Let us do it for you
Wpromote video production is the entire package, from initial storyboarding to final editing in post production. Our expert team can help you write your video’s script, walk you through sound and lighting design, and create an amazing visual story that will build brand loyalty and have audiences engaged. Get in touch today to see what Wpromote’s video team can do for you.