The Marketing Mission: Balancing Social Responsibility and the Growth Imperative


Your brand needs to stand for something—or risk losing your most valuable customers

Today’s consumers expect brands to stand up for important social issues and stand out from the crowd by putting those values front and center in their interactions across channels and as part of the business.

That’s truer now than ever before. And it’s non-negotiable for the next generation of consumers.

But the pressure to focus on the purchase decision and lower funnel ad campaigns can make it difficult to find space in your strategy to engage in meaningful ways that resonate with customers. Marketers also run the risk of accusations of opportunism and inauthenticity if the only place those values show up is on social posts or in commercials.

We brought together marketing leaders to learn how to build social responsibility into your core brand value proposition and authentically connect with customers—while driving significant growth.

Check out the full on demand event to get insights from our panel of experts, including:



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